How do I make changes after I have submitted an article?

After you have completed the submission process for a new or revised submission, you will be unable to make any changes while it is under review.

If changes are needed after you have finalized submission or revision, you will need to locate your submission and contact the Editorial Team, see How do I find the manuscript I submitted to an Elsevier journal? for more information.

The Journal Editorial Team will determine whether your changes are appropriate for the current status of the submission, and may ask you to wait. Depending on the status they may make the changes on your behalf, or return the submission back to you for changes.

Article Type: If the changes include changing the Article Type, note that many requirements, settings, and workflow options depend on the article type. You may be asked to provide additional information or files, and the submission may need to restart the review process.

Corresponding Author: For changes to corresponding author you must include a completed ‘Corresponding Author Change Request Form’ signed by all co-authors.

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