How to apply for Central Applications Clearing House (CACH)

Are you interested in pursuing studies but uncertain about where to begin? The Central Applications Clearing House (CACH) system is specifically created to aid students in securing placements at universities and colleges across South Africa that have available space.

How CACH Works:

  1. Bridge Between Students and Institutions:
  2. Profile Creation:
  3. Visibility to Institutions:

How to Sign Up for CACH:

  1. Visit CACH Website:
  2. Navigate to Sign-Up Section:
  3. Complete Registration Form:
  4. Submission:

Benefits of Using CACH:

  1. Increased Visibility:
  2. Simplified Application Process:
  3. Addressing Challenges:
  4. Promoting Inclusivity:
  5. Comprehensive Support Services:
  6. Access to Other Opportunities:

CACH’s Role:

CACH serves as a crucial tool in simplifying the application process, ensuring equal opportunities, and offering comprehensive support to students in their educational endeavors.