Trade Secret License: Everything You Need to Know

A trade secret license is an agreement between a licensor (owner) and a licensee (party who needs the proprietary information) that gives the licensee permission to gain access to information normally regarded as a trade secret 3 min read

A trade secret license is an agreement between a licensor (owner) and a licensee (party who needs the proprietary information) that gives the licensee permission to gain access to information normally regarded as a trade secret. Unlike licensing in other forms of intellectual property, the focus is on the sharing of the information rather than the actual uses. In these arrangements, the licensor does not give up ownership of the information. Licensing a trade secret is a way for the licensor to monetize this particular form of intellectual property.

Components of a Trade Secret License

Though the content may vary some, every trade secret license should include some basic elements. If any of these are left out, the value of the intellectual property can be reduced and disagreements between the parties can result. This list is not exhaustive, and most licensing agreements contain additional sections on liability and other topics.

Forms of Compensation

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